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Accelerated Reader at Story Wood
Accelerated Reader is a program that allows teachers to monitor children's reading habits and achievements. This is currently being used in years 2 - 6. Children sit termly Star Reader tests that indicate a child's reading age and reading ability, which is identified using a Z.P.D (number range). Children should be taking home reading books, weekly, from the library. They have been taught to identify books within their Z.P.D ( Zone of Proximal Development). The shelves and books are all clearly labelled. By doing so, children will be reading books that challenge them appropriately and therefore support them in their journey to fluency and understanding. Once a child has finished reading a book, they should log in to their Accelerated Reader account, search for the book title and take a quiz. Children can only access their accounts through the Story Wood website in the Kid's Zone. Their use of Accelerated Reader is monitored on a weekly basis.
Millionaire's Word Tea Party
Twice a year we hold a Millionaire's Tea Party! Children are invited to attend if they had a word count of one million words or above to celebrate this great achievement.