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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Summer Term

14.07.21 Feel Good Friday in full swing!

30.06.21 Recapping modal verbs in SPAG!

24.06.21 Looking at different historical sources about evacuation

14.06.21 Our WWII visitor Air Warden Parsons made today an enjoyable day full of learning!

11.06.21 Feel Good Friday in full swing!

01.06.21 and 08.06.21 Gravity, weight and air resistance - Year 6 are learning all about forces!

24.05.21 Home Learning Y6's thoughts on the 'Friendship' stimulus.

17.05.21 Sharing shadow puppet performances as part of Science Week

12.05.21 Year 6 practising beautiful, cursive handwriting.

04.05.21 Year 6 demonstrating how light travels with translucent, transparent, opaque and shiny objects. Can you guess which is which?

26.04.21 Year 6 + virtual reality of underwater in Australia = fun!

23.04.21 Underarm and overarm throwing skills in PE today - great precision developed!
