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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors' Section


Story Wood Governance Roles


Link Governor Role

Class buddy

Phylicia Jarrett: Chair



Stuart Robson


Year 1

Sandi Kirkham

PSHE/ Enrichment

Year 2

Alex Pretty


Year 3

Abigail Turner

Safeguarding and Attendance

Year 4

Kath Malcom

Wider Curriculum

Year 5

Jasbir Johal: Vice Chair

English: Early reading, reading & writing

Year 6


The Governors are representatives of the parents, the staff and the local community. They take a keen and active interest in the running of the school and, in conjunction with the staff, foster a good relationship with the community.

All parents are eligible for election to the Governing Board as Parent Governors. This occurs either at the end of a term of office or when an existing member leaves. 


The Governors, who meet formally once a term, are elected for four years from the time of their election.
