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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Spring Term

07.04.22 Testing different surfaces for the amount of friction they create in Science

29.03.22 Enjoying the Easter prayer space activities

28.03.22 Welcoming and learning from our Viking visitor!

22.03.22 Practising different stitches for D.T.

16.03.22 Learning how to respond in emergency situations in Jigsaw

08.03.22 Weighing objects using force meters and recording them in Newtons.

04.03.22 Look at our amazing spoons for World Book Day!

28.02.22 Identifying themes in ‘Viking Boy’

17.02.22 Year 4 and 5 sharing their writing on the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.

11.02.22 Our virtual reality experience of Space and The Solar System!

09.02.22 Making our own Roman catapult in Latin!

07.02.22 Year 5 researching using primary sources about Viking longships

02.02.22 Playing rota in Latin!

31.01.22 Fantastic understanding of multiplying a fraction by a whole number. Super bar models!

28.01.22 Good because, bad because in P4C has certainly got us talking...

24.01.22 Our fantastic writing to Odin, inspired by ‘Viking Boy’.

18.01.22 Improvising ‘riffs’

10.01.22 Great map skills in Geography!

07.01.22 Testing to see which substances are soluble and then filtering them.
