Awarded June 2023
Story Wood School has successfully achieved the
SAPERE GOLD award standard for celebrating sustainable high quality P4C practice as an integral part of the school's ethos, curriculum and values.
We have successfully achieved the SAPERE Silver award standard celebrating development of high quality P4C practice as integral to the school’s ethos, curriculum and values.
March 2021 - March 2024
P4C stands for 'Philosophy For Chidren'. In our P4C sessions, we aim to deepen the children's thinking and enhance speaking and listening skills. The P4C sessions foster a community approach to a spoken enquiry, which enables all children to participate in a respectful and safe environment where everyone's opinion is valued.
Through P4C sessions children will focus on and develop the 4C thinking skills:
1. Caring thinking - listening (concentrating) and valuing (appreciating)
2. Collaborative thinking - responding (communicating) and supporting (building on each other's ideas)
3. Critical thinking - questioning (interrogating) and reasoning (evaluating)
4. Creative thinking - connecting (relating) and suggesting (speculating)
P4C within the curriculum
P4C offers speaking and listening opportunities for children to orally rehearse ideas, build vocabulary and respond to the views of others. It supports children's abilities to identify concepts and themes within texts and make inferences about texts they read. An enhanced vocabulary will support higher quality written work.
P4C supports children to reason mathematically, explain and justify their thinking and explore different possibilities.
P4C supports children's understanding of key concepts explored within the RE curriculum. It encourages deeper thinkng, allowing the children to explore their own beliefs and values and developing understanding and appreciation of others.
P4C encourages children to explore different ideas and hypotheses, make balanced judgements based on evidence and to reach a conclusion.
P4C and Jigsaw follow the same ground rules for class discussion. P4C equips children with the speaking and listening skills to discuss and explore the topics in the Jigsaw sessions in a caring, collaborative, critical and creative way.
Our Year Group Philosophers
Each year group has a philospher assigned to their class.
Nursery - Aristotle Reception - John Locke Year 1 - Rene Descartes Year 2 - Simone Weil
Year 3 - Socrates Year 4 - Confucius Year 5 - Matthew Lipman Year 6 - Plato