As required by the Education Act (2002, section 78), the Teachers’ Standards (2011) and the Equalities Act (2010), Story Wood takes every opportunity to actively promote British values through our curriculum, enrichment opportunities, assemblies and wider celebrations. We recognise that in actively promoting these values, it is necessary to challenge pupils, staff and parents who could potentially express opinions contrary to these fundamental British values. This may include ‘extremist’ views; if this is the case, Story Wood will work within a multi-agency model and will follow the guidance and actions as outlined in our policy.
There are 5 core British values, which are promoted and reinforced at Story Wood in a number of ways.
Mutual Respect: at Story Wood, we treat others as we want to be treated. We respect each other and work together.
The Rule of Law: at Story Wood we understand rules and why they are important. We follow rules to develop order.
Individual Liberty: at Story Wood we believe in the freedom of speech for all and the right to make our own choices.
Tolerance of All Faiths: at Story Wood we learn about different faiths and cultures. We listen to other view points and learn about diversity.
Democracy: at Story Wood, we believe everyone has the right to an opinion and a voice. We understand the value in making decisions together.
As part of the RE curriculum throughout KS1 and KS2, children study the Christian faith and its core values as well as other world faiths. Our assemblies, Philosophy 4 Children sessions and PSHE lessons are often related to current affairs. We aim to widen the children’s knowledge and experience of what is relevant in today’s society and multi-cultural issues in order to support them in making informed choices. Themes we cover include: racism, politics, equality, justice, poverty, natural disasters and war.
In lessons, children are encouraged to be independent learners and to make informed choices. We promote meta-cognition and teach children to think in various ways through the language of Thinking Moves.
At the beginning of each year, children work together with the teacher to agree class rules (P4C charter) and virtues that underpin the school vision. Children regularly review the reasons for particular rules and the importance of adhering to them. Regular class debates and discussions through P4C PSHE, RE or curriculum linked topic work are evident in lessons (such as World War I in year 2 and World War II in year 6). In Year 6, children visit London and have the opportunity to visit many venues and buildings that are rooted in British History.