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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Autumn Term

16.12.24 Making a Christmas wreath in RE.

11.12.24 Testing materials in Science.

26.11.24 Having an informative lesson on emotions and behaviours from UDB.

19.11.24 Choosing a book from our pop up bookshop!

18.11.24 Playing materials dominoes in Science testing their knowledge from last lesson

13.11.24 Testing materials for their different properties in Science.

05.11.24 Translating and illustrating a story in Latin.

22.10.24 Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 in Maths.

17.10.24 Testing to see how craters on the moon may be formed in Science

16.10.24 Finding common factors in Maths

09.10.24 Writing some brilliant formal, persuasive letters in English.

08.10.24 Look at our fantastic posters on erosion and deposition in Geography.

02.10.24 In our features lesson of a letter, we ordered it so the structure was correct.

01.10.24 Representing subtraction in Maths using place value counters.

25.09.24 Ranking emotions in P4C. We had some great responses!

23.09.24 Thank you to parents who were able to attend our reading workshop today. Everyone had great fun!

17.09.24 Learning about the water cycle in Geography

09.09.24 Colour mixing in Art
