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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Summer Term

18.07.22 Our Reading cafe was a huge success!

14.07.22 - Health for Life Project

11.07.22 Year 5 and 2 did an environment walk around school to see which appliances used electricity. They then created posters to display around school.

08.07.22 We have been busy block printing in Art today!

30.06.22 An amazing play in a day about our Golden Age of Islam topic with Altru Drama company. Thank you, Ryan.

28.06.22 Having a boxercise session to kick off Sports Day!

24.06.22 We are practising rallies in badminton!

13.06.22 Performing their own compositions to ‘Dancing in the Street’.

08.06.22 Our final persuasive adverts - you will not be able to refuse!

25.05.22 Look at our fantastic persuasive writing!

16.05.22 Producing brilliant informal letters inspired by Aladdin in ‘Arabian Nights’

13.05.22 Discussing statements on fairness and ranking these in P4C/Thinking Moves

03.05.22 A visit to practise yoga. Super skills and stretches shown today.

26.04.22 Aiming for pace and stamina within Athletics
