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Story Wood School "Inspiring Minds to Universally Succeed" "inspirati omnia impetramus"

Autumn Term

06.12.24 Confucius were putting phrases together for a spy dance.

28.11.24 Confucius have been using Scratch in computing to write a code to create a quiz on Roman Britain.

22.11.24 Confucius creating circuits in Science as part of the electricity topic.

Some ideas for practising times tables at home.

14.11.24 Confucius have been playing different multiplication games to learn up to 12 x 12. Many of which they can do at home. Keep practising Confucius!

12.11.24 Confucius have been tasting Roman food as part of their Latin lesson.

22.10.24 - Reading

18.10.24 - P.E.

10.10.24 - Computing

01.10.24 - History

23.09.24 - Art

Confucius starting their topic on Sound in Science by investigating vibrations.
